Stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing
Stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing

stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing

i have removed java from her system for general security reasons as you have advised, and the above file is a java program. png extension which if you tried to view would open chrome and try to download the above file. her internet security program didn’t detect anything though i found a file with a.

stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing

Tap the three dots icon available at the top right-hand side of the screen.


i will remove chrome from her programs and download a virgin copy and install it and use the advice you gave me when iwas being fly by downloaded into. Launch the Google Chrome web browser on your Android device. If we use less than 30 tabs, it won't be a problem (despite Apple showing that Mac can handle 100 tabs from the Spring event) for majority of users. i will set up dosbox for things like that when i get the time. Yeah and the fact that Safari places closed tabs in cache when you close them and will not clear them until the system deems it necessary or you manually Empty Cache in the Develop menu. (the odd thing is that i do need a flv player to play files on my computers from the dos era. i found the culprit in that and her infected copy is trying to get download the same file (flvplayer.exe) as was fly by downloading into my system. Tested on Mac Chrome forgets every individually closed tab after I closed and re-opened it twice. also chrome doesn’t work for 2 pages any more i use almost every day, (i use ie for them) while firefox works with at least one of them though it might not when i make sure java is not plugged in.ī y the way, a friend of mine has a seriously infected copy of chrome, a thing which i didn’t know waspossible, tho my copy did fly by downloading as i told you once in an direct email. You can simply quit and restart Chrome twice. I don’t mind the change but i am thinking of migrating to firefox partly because you seem to like it and because chrome is pigging system resources - 6gB of memory and at peak usage, mainly starting up, and 100% of processor time (of an i7).

stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing

When you once earlier talked about a change in chrome’s new tab page i was not affected.

Stop recently closed tabs in chrome for mac from appearing